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Want to do something different next week?
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“Go Long in Texas” is a hang gliding meet I am flying in which runs Sun July 7th through Sat July 13th .  It has been held for the past few years and is a “non-competition” where hang glider pilots from around the country come to take advantage of the summer conditions here to try to improve on their personal best cross-country distance. 

We are always short of retrieve drivers to bring back pilots and their gliders after the flight - the more drivers we have, the less pilots an individual retrieve driver has to collect. You don’t have to use your own vehicle, which is probably not equipped to carry hang gliders anyway. You need to be reasonable at map reading and navigating around using Google maps or similar, sometimes on back-roads and you need to be comfortable with your cell phone – might need to load an additional app.

There is some financial compensation available for your time and if you are not available all week, we will take what days you are available. You would need to make yourself available at Wharton Municipal Airport around 10am on days you are driving.  You are “probably” going to be finished by late afternoon. If you contract for the whole week, there is the possibility of free hotel accommodation in Wharton.

The middle of this coming week looks a bit wet, so a day by day arrangement, confirmed the evening before, might be most practical.

In the past, pilots have flown up to 300 miles but you would likely be retrieving pilots who have flown less than 100 and possibly only 30-40 miles.

If interested, please initially text me (Bob Fisher) on +1 713 259 0895 as soon as possible to find out more. If you have never been around hang gliders, this would be an interesting experience. Pilots are open, fun, friendly and universally nice people!

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