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General Discussion

Local RTE on Sunday ???
James Brown

How about we meet up for Lunch on Sunday around 11am somewhere local like Spring, The Woodlands, Cypress or Kingwood?

I don't have any good suggestions for a site, but we could all take our time and choose our own route there. I'm just ready to take a ride while the weather is good.

James Brown

Our committee of two has decided on The Old Montgomery Steakhouse, 204 McCown St, Montgomery Texas 77356. Their menu says they can serve breakfast until noon on Sunday.

It's a 1.5 hour trip for me, and much shorter for new club member David Claros, so everyone come out to meet David from Cypress.

Please chime in here to let us know who's coming!!


James Brown

Participants so far...

Kevin Graulty

James Brown

David McQueen

David Claros

James Brown

Participants so far for The Old Montgomery Steakhouse

by 11am on Sunday:

Kevin Graulty

James Brown

David McQueen

David Claros

Talmadge Wright

Luis Ayala

Joel May

I'll be leaving around 9am, so if there's anyone in the Southeast Houston area

that wants to group up, let me know.


James Brown

Participants so far for The Old Montgomery Steakhouse

by 11am on Sunday:

Kevin Graulty

James Brown

David McQueen

David Claros

Talmadge Wright

Luis Ayala

Joel May

Steve Ladd

I'll be leaving around 9am, so if there's anyone in the Southeast Houston area

that wants to group up, let me know.


James Brown

Participants so far for The Old Montgomery Steakhouse

by 11am on Sunday.

Jim Pollman

James Brown

David McQueen

David Claros

Talmadge Wright

Luis Ayala

Steve Ladd

Fernando Aguirre

I'll be leaving around 9am, so if there's anyone in the Southeast Houston area

that wants to group up, let me know.


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