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Check your boots !
James Brown

While arriving at Thursday's Club meeting, I realized that the SOLE on the left

Sidi Canyon boot had just come off as I was trying to balance the bike on that

side. These boots were just 6 1/2 years old, and not worn much at all.

Checked the other one and I found it was starting to come loose as well. I ended

up hobbling around during the meeting, and noted how slick the non-soled shoe

surface was.

Dreading the return trip, as I always depended on the surefootedness of

these boots when coming to a stop, I managed to make it home without


Dropped them off at a local "Shoe Hospital" for repair. Please take a moment

to check your boots for how well the soles are attached. It may save you some

grief on the road (or at the next RTE).

James Brown

Steve Jarocki

A similar thing happened to me while I was enrolled in the MSF Basic Rider Course. After a long hiatus from riding I enrolled in the MSF Course. I didn't want to invest a lot in gear until I was confident that I was making the correct gear selection. I wore the helmet, gloves, etc., but, my boots were hiking boots. After the first day of the on-road section of the course my boots looked like this:

Lesson learned. Motorcycle boots have their "uppers" stitched to the soles. Many manufactures glue their uppers to the sole as it is cheaper to manufacture. Think running shoes. After repeated exposure to contact with the hot asphalt during riding (at a stop light etc.) the glue gives way. Look for boots that have stitching along the sole that goes from the heel across the toe and back to the opposite side of the heel.

Jerry Matson

I had the same experience with some Tourmaster boots. The soles were glued on and became separated at the toes and the rest followed quickly. My solution was to take them to a local shoe repair store where they stitched the soles on. Cost about $40. (And put quite a nice shine on too!).


"I ride because it frees my mind from the tyranny of petty things."

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